Relatii Publice, PR, Firma Consultanta, Campanii Media, Promovare, Evenimente, Conferinte, PRAIS Corporate Communications.


"Si eu mananc sanatos" – program educational

"Si eu mananc sanatos" – program educational; in ultimii 8 ani, PRAIS a creat si deruleaza si in momentul de fata acest program CSR, care a castigat Golden World Awards si Grand Prize decernate de IPRA in 1999. Programul CSR a fost creat pentru Kraft Foods Romania cu scopul crearii tinerei generatii in spiritul unei alimentatii sanatoase si luptei impotriva obezitatii – o tema majora de CSR in care investesc toate companiile din industria alimentara din intreaga lume.

Pupils are participating every year in a national contest on nutrition, writing stories and drawing. Pupils winning the contest from every city receive, together with their teachers, a one-week camp in the mountains, where they eat healthily, take sports and create their own theatre play and costumes based on the nutrition story. The program has a song, with very sensible wording, that children sing in schools.

Alte proiecte CSR:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7 8  9  10  11  12  13  14 

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