Relatii Publice, PR, Firma Consultanta, Campanii Media, Promovare, Evenimente, Conferinte, PRAIS Corporate Communications.

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    Millions of People, Millions of Trees

    About the programme

    PRAIS Foundation was established in 2002 by PRAIS Corporate Communications, in order to contribute to and support a different kind of progress: development of national projects in the field of education of the young generations and their families, to be civically responsible, become involved in environmental protection, promote a balanced and sustainable lifestyle, as well as culture.

    The Foundation launched in 2006 the first edition of the national movement “Millions of People, Millions of Trees”, having as cause the global heating caused also by the high impact of deforestation taking place dramatically in Romania, too. The movement have being conducted for the last 4 years, including the IV edition 2009-June 2010 in an institutional partnership with the Ministry of Forests and the National Environmental Guard, and with the support of its founding members: Lafarge Romania and Smithfield Romania. 

    Objectives of the movement:

    • Production of the web communication platform  in Romanian and English – interactive communication tool of the movement, containing both powerful programs, and key information for public on environment  protection, a forum, a library for photos for campaigns, a promotional video of the program created and produced y PRAIS volunteers.

    • Raising awareness on the major role that Romanian citizens must play in the protection and recreation of nature here, now, today, by becoming engaged in constant plant and tree planting activities, in spring and autumn.

    • Promotion by direct information campaigns in 41 counties of the country of the volunteering activities for environmental protection and involvement of those who annually register in the movement: NGOs, companies, schools, mayoralties, State institutions, other organisations.

    • Educating the young generation in the spirit of responsible civic environmental behaviour, by active involvement.

    • Cumulated annual increase in the number of trees and plants planted within the national movement.

    • Obtaining international recognition of the Romanian movement as “power of example”.



    Along last 4 years, including the IV edition: September 2009 – June 2010, the volunteers of PRAIS Foundation have launched each year, 6 PR campaigns via internet to inform and recruit members from 41 counties. A yearly updated data base including over 10,000 contacts which are permanently activated within the national planting movement “Millions of People, Millions of Trees” and in the competition, both opened to all companies, organisations, institutions, associations, foundations in Romania.

    By the voluntary work of thousands pupils, students, legal entities or individuals, 2 planting campaigns are organised every autumn and spring, with the active participation of more than 700 organisations for the IV edition.

    PRAIS Foundation regulation of the movement enables every legal entity to participate and register directly on the communication platform, the website, by filling in a registration form. The institutions, companies, organisations planting on a voluntary basis are registered in the programme under Section A. Budgetary institutions (mayoralties, county councils, administrations in the public field, Romsilva, Forestry Departments) which plant within their current activities (not on a voluntary basis) register in the programme under Section B.

    The results of the 2 annual campaigns for the planting of trees and/or other plants on a voluntary basis are filled in by the members online and automatically taken over by performing programmes in the website. Results are automatically quantified and posted online, producing a top of the most active organisations/institutions participating in the campaign.
    The ranking is made based on the following criteria:

    • Total cumulated number of trees and/or plants planted in the spring/autumn campaign;

    • Total cumulated number of volunteers/employees participating in the spring/autumn campaign.

    Throughout the year photographs and comments are received on the website from those registered.

    Like in the 3 previous years, in 2009, we organised the award ceremony in the sports centre of a school where the pupils have voluntarily contributed to the event, as well as the artistic performance promoting young talents. Over 200 participants, including the mass-media have applauded the winners. Officials and public figures have granted the trophies "Millions of People, Millions of Trees”, Excellence Diplomas and Merit Diplomas to the most active organisations in the top.

    The planting movement from Romania has been officially recognised by the United Nations for Environment Program (UNEP), is conducted under the logo of the global programme of UNEP „Plant for the Planet”. This recognition is based on the contribution of the Romanian movement to the environmental programme of the United Nations - „One Billion Trees” campaign.

    Programme promotion:

    The promotion of the movement „Millions of People, Millions of Trees” was concentrated in 4 annual online communication campaigns and sending of personalised materials in 41 counties, to 10,000 contacts.

    Media partnerships have enabled us to present the movement on specialised websites in Romania.
    We launched 4 online media campaigns to visually promote the development of the plantings with photographs, and announce the final results.
    Five electronic newsletters of the movement have been disseminated in 41 counties.

    Project results:

    Since the launch, in the edition 2009-2010, the movement has cumulatively registered a record number of plantings nationwide:

    • 53,198,000 trees

    • 23,254,000 younglings and plants

    • 700 organisations

    • 98,000 volunteers

    • 91,000 employees

    The movement in Romania has been officially recognised by UNEP and included in the global programme.

    The movement communication platform, the website, has visitors from 40 countries, such as: USA, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Russia and Austria, and contains key information on environment, a photo library from all planting campaigns, a forum for members to express opinions and to share experiences.

    The „no cash for editorial” media coverage for the edition September 2009 – June 2010:

    • 99 press materials

    • 729,751 impressions

    • 8,661,028 visitors

    • 6,954 cm2

    Media coverage generated since the start of the movement:

    • 267 press materials

    • 8,124,114 impressions

    • 18,571,874 visitors

    • 10,499 cm2


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